“Every why hath a wherefore.”
I cause. By the efforts I put into today, I create my tomorrow. Through my smile, I cause a smiling happiness. By my presence, I create a home.
I cause. Through my thoughts, I fuel my actions. Through my ideas, I cause a myriad of realties. By my groundedness, I am secure.
I cause. Through my gathering, I am abundant. Through my giving, I am free. By my loving, I am loved.
I cause.
Bullet Journaling connection.
Do you have more positive of negative connotations of the word cause?
What types of things to you cause to happen?
What can I learn from cause?
I am so thankful for my awareness of just how powerful I am. I am the creator of my life - By my thoughts, Words, Actions - I construct my realty. Yes, for this, I am grateful.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would like to know your thoughts on this word: cause. Love and Light ~ Namaste!