Stillness: Study 4
December—such a beautiful month. —often associated with holidays, and because of this, can be a time of increased activity. Doing. I’ve spent most of my life doing. I admit, I am task oriented, and I do love to do things. Any perceived problems —- handled through activity beginning with the chaotic round-about of worry, and then perhaps a venting session, or maybe a snacking session, and a check list of things-to-do in my journal to overcome this new threat to my being. These days however, I am cultivating a new pattern of reaction to the unpleasant aspects of life that come my way. I become still. And in this stillness, I am aware that all my perceived problems are opportunities and are as everything —tansitory - passing through my life as clouds. I pause and settle into stillness of body and mind and spirit. I feel a connection to all that is - to eternity - and in stillness, that that was threatening my peace-dissipates - and solutions - doorways to opportunity- swing open.
I still my mind and solutions arise.
I breathe in and out. I inhale and pause. I am very still. In my stillness, I am settled. All that troubles me stills. I witness myself as if a lake, only the passing breeze had troubled my surface. In my depths I go, to the quiet still waters. I am at peace, and my peace is aways there. I exhale. I see solutions. I welcome opportunity. I breath - I pause - I am at peace.
“Drop thy still dews of quietness
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our soul the strain and stress, And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of thy peace.”
Making a Connection Through Art Journaling
I am posting this short video showing you how I cultivate stillness through art and nature. Enjoy!
“Stillness is where creativity and solutions are found.”
Thank you for joining me today. Please leave a comment below; I would love to hear from you. If you are drawing snowflakes with me, please leave pictures in the comments or post them on Instagram and #themustardseednews so I can be sure to see them. Sending you love and light ~ Peace for now ~
December Reading List
Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise by Thich Nhat Hanh
Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle
Too Deep for Words by Thelma Hall
Snow Crystals (Dover Pictorial Archive) by W.A. Bentley
“Be Still”
Today I am thankful for the stillness within that is always there and that my perceived problems are only passing and are in actuality, gateways to opportunity.