
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
— John Lubbock, The Use Of Life


I rest. I rest and I am renewed. I take time and find a quiet space, and I rest. I rest my eyes, and my ears, and my mind. I rest all of my senses. I rest my hands, and feet, and face. I let go of my defenses. As I am tired, I take care; I rest.

I seize this day to practice the art of doing nothing. I go deep into stillness - into calm awakening. I free my mind from all busyness - all agitation. I am serene. Like a placid lake at sunrise or sunset. Expanding into stillness and beauty. At peace.

Today, I withdraw from activity. I lounge and lay myself down - it’s another retreat day - and I am perfectly happy. I let go of the need-to’s and should-do’s and musts - and I rest - rest - taking the journey from movement to stillness. Quieting the minds active shrillness - Join me if you will ~ it’s going to be a grand day!


Bullet Journaling connection.



  • Do you have more positive of negative connotations of the word rest?

  • Are you aware of your need for rest?

  • When you need to rest, what do you do?

  • What can I learn from rest?



I am so thankful for my ability to rest. I am grateful for the renewed energy that rest gives to me. I am thankful that I have all the time and space I need to rest peacefully.



Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest today! Please leave a comment below. I would like to know your thoughts on this word: rest. Love and Light ~ Namaste!



