“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
I connect. I am connected in many ways to people, to animals, to Earth, to the Divine. I am connected to the internet with high speeds, and I am connected to me.
It is ironic that the best way to connect with the other is to center and connect first to the self.
I was surprised at this when I realized it. When surrendering to divine nature within - there is no gap between the other - there is only unconditional love and a feeling of oneness.
I connect. I breathe in and I breathe out - and I connect to my center: my core. Daily I practice - breathing and connecting. I connect and peace fills me. I connect and anxiety slips away. I connect and root myself to the Earth, and I am secure. In my security, I am honest and pure. I connect, and I have clarity - I know what I desire. I channel my intuition and sensitivities, and am aware of who I am outside.
I am disciplined. I set my boundaries and I monitor them. How odd that this keeps me connected. My boundaries - daily commitment to practice tuning in. Disconnecting and reconnecting. I stay clear in this way. I connect and I am. I have a fullness - a feeling of complete balance.
I must be diligent - I must be mindful. Life pulls at me and people push low energies my way. Sometimes, move into the world and disconnect. But reconnection is always a breath away. It’s good too to have signals set - as reminders to connect - It could be anything. I am a school teacher and so the ringing of the bells for class change helps me to remember to breathe. The sound of windchimes when I am at home, a dog barking. When I become aware that I am disconnected I let this to be a reminder to me, to bring myself back into my body - to my center - my spark. I am allowing and willing and viligent. I am mindful and faithful and diligent. It is my responsibility to keep my state of being connected and intact.
How do you connect? If you are not sure - begin to ask yourself whenever you remember, “How do I feel?” Let it be a daily mantra for you. What do you do in your life that helps you to center and feel? When you are doing what you love, notice you levels of energy and mood. Leave a commit below - sharing ways of connecting would be a awesome thread to follow ;)
Bullet Journaling connection.
Do you have more positive of negative connotations of the word connect?
Do you connect with others easily?
How would you describe your connections?
What can I learn from connect?
I am so thankful for my ability to connect.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would like to know your thoughts on this word: connect. Love and Light ~ Namaste!