Stillness: Study 18
December rain falls this morning in bursts of sound. Still too dark for me to see, but I can hear the rain, and the sound makes my home feel so cozy. December. When the outside world chills, I take refuge within. December. A time to pull inward. A time to reflect. A time to slow down and to heal. Some people may ask - Heal? Is something wrong? Actually - I am very healthy - and yet live again with the paradox - that in my healthy state, I am healing. My mind, body, soul, as long as I dwell on this Earth will always be healthy and simultaneously, healing. Many say that healing involves a remembering - I love that word: remembering. from the Latin - re means again and mem means mindful. I am still curious about the suffix ber and why it is used in this word. If you know, please comment on it, I am curious. In Latin, it was used as an adjectival suffix as it appears in the names of the months that begin to grow cold (in the Northern Hemisphere) - simply numbered, but remember is not an adjective - hummm. To continue though, the term literary means to be mindful again. How perfect! In stillness, I am mindful again and remember who I am - and this process revitalizes me - heals me - Do you know the story, “The Ugly Duckling?” I think now of that story. I will post a link to it below. It’s about realization and celebration of the authentic self - when struggle ceases and a rest in awareness begins.
In the safety of stillness, I am healed.
“The greatest healing would be to wake up from what we are not.”
I breathe and smile. I am safe. I breathe in, and in the security of stillness - I re- mem -ber myself - who I really am - I am love, joy, peace—A child of God - divine.
Making a Connection Through Art Journaling
I am posting this short video showing you how I cultivate stillness through art and nature. Enjoy!
“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”
Thank you for joining me today. Please leave a comment below; I would love to hear from you. If you are drawing snowflakes with me, please leave pictures in the comments or post them on Instagram and #themustardseednews so I can be sure to see them. Sending you love and light ~ Peace for now ~
December Reading List
Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise by Thich Nhat Hanh
Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle
Too Deep for Words by Thelma Hall
Snow Crystals (Dover Pictorial Archive) by W.A. Bentley
“Be Still”
Today I am thankful that I am healthy and that I am healing.